Taipei 🇹🇼 Ariel lee 李氏• Cafe 優雅擺盤白酒蛤蠣義大利麵和焦糖雞蛋布丁

Ariel lee ➡️ No 7-5, Aly29, Ln205, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 秋天隆重登場讓氣溫處於一個舒服的溫度,介於薄上衣薄外套的程度,大概是讓衣櫥內美麗的秋裝重見光明的時刻微😊 因為機會難得這次選擇坐在戶外的餐桌來享用起床的第一餐 (誒對,輪班生活就是很常睡到一個翻掉,然後再爬起來吃合併早午餐XD) The autumn is coming and it was a great experience to sitting outdoor then enjoy the great food in Taipei street. Shifting work need more sleeping than people thought, and that is the main reason why we always having brunch than breakfast or lunch. 菜單非常簡單只有薄薄的三頁,然後我被主食的選項給嚇到,居然只有四種口味XDDDD ⚠️ 特別要注意的是低消是點飲料而不是主餐或小點喔~ Simple menu and a few selection for main dish. Drink for each person is the minimum charge, other food were not count in. 服務員會很迅速的在你看完菜單後馬上奔出來點餐(到底從哪個窗戶偷看我們XD) 接著送上餐具,還用一個很別緻的點心盤擺放,這樣比直接放在桌上衛生太多。 等下可以特別注意每道料理使用的盤子都很好看精緻,整個濾鏡效果很強大~ That is how you should put your tableware !!!!!!! 李氏奶茶(熱)Hot milk tea TWD$ 120 李氏奶茶(冰)Ice milk tea TWD$ 120 每當出去餐廳吃飯看到有奶茶這個選項總是抵擋不住惡魔誘惑👿 我跟Amy默契的選擇同樣的飲品,只是一個是熱的一個是冰的 味道都一樣好喝(捧頰)喝...