
目前顯示的是 4月, 2018的文章

Taoyuan 🇹🇼 Kimmy 淳朵手工甜點

Having some sweet with my adorable bestie❤️ Time flies, these beautiful girls are my college classmate and also my bestie in my whole life. 👭 It was so grateful that you could meet someone who really like you just as you do, and I am so lucky to have three at the same time. Actually this was the second meal after we finished the dinner 👀 Woman has extra stomach for the sweets, that is totally TRUE. 🍰 淳朵坊 ➡️ No 190, Zhongpu 2nd St., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan (R.O.C.) The environment was super right for chatting and taking photos. 📷 Kimmy not only sell cake but also has some cookie for choice. Though the price may higher than other places but the flavor was great. 🍫 Before we choose the cake, we saw the afternoon tea set totally suitable for us! Pay a little but get lots. 💰 You may decided the cookie flavor for yourself, just ask the staff there! When we decided to visit this dessert store, we already...

Okinawa 🇯🇵 GIROUBOU 次郎坊

次郎坊 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市松尾 2-10-1 牧志公設市場 2F This little restaurant was hide in 牧志公設市場. This is the first time when I came here, I just wonder how could my family member know this place? But it sure all around the local Japanese sitting here and enjoy their meal. Remembering to take photos for menu, but no overall picture of this restaurant .... (why) 海葡萄 JPN 600円 爬文看到超多人都推薦一定要品嚐看看的海葡萄,就是單獨吃濕滑黏黏的… 蘸上醬汁吃就有種在嘴裡爆漿的口感,蘸醬比較好吃,但終究不深得我心XDDDDD 苦瓜炒菜 JPN 680円 同樣也是大家極力推薦的山苦瓜炒蛋(只是我的高級版還有豆腐跟火腿) 是誰跟我說山苦瓜不苦的?這個也同樣苦得很,但是炒的還不錯吃啦,眉頭一皺就忍惹。 沖繩麵(小) JPN 450円 單純點來吃吃看的(其實飯店的自助吧也有,每次都不受到我的青睞) 味道蠻純樸的,肉就是好粗~一點也不塞牙縫。 刺身定食 JPN 1300円     看到生魚片就情不自禁的點惹,本來很期待吃到鮭魚的說(結果根本沒有,傷透我的心) 肉質頗新鮮沒錯,不過甜蝦的口感就讓人有點不敢恭維~我還是喜歡熟透的蝦子啊。 小菜應該是味噌豬頭皮,第一口很脆很濃郁,但吃久了就有點反胃惹QQQQQQ 味噌湯喝之前一定要先攪拌均勻,否則到後面會很鹹(受害者的前車之鑑) 海鮮丼 JPN 1200円 最後一道就是大家也蠻常點的海鮮丼,常常在電視上看到藝人們吃得很浮誇 真正點的時候就覺得份量也是認真的小(笑倒) 不過我還是很耿耿於懷沒有鮭魚這件事情,所以這間店說不上滿意就是有點遺憾。

Okinawa 🇯🇵 波上宮 ➡️ 波の上うみそら公園 ➡️ 古宇利島 ➡️ 沖縄美ら海水族館 ➡️ 万座毛 ➡️ 琉球村

波上宮 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市若狭1-25-11 This special shrine has a black Tori as their famous feature ⛩️ You may found all red in anywhere, but you only can found black here ! This location was close to our hotel, it spend around 15 to 20 minutes for walking here. I also want to have a different background when took a photo. This place was beside of the entrance stars only XDDDDDD My family has a really good shoot, I am super thin ! 😳 This one was not as good as last one ...... 🙄️ Lots of tourists have selfie right on the shrine ..... so this kind of photo was try our best ...... (sigh) Mikami were must to buy item, especial for these adorable mikami !!!!!!!! Those are blessing for traffic ( when you have a drive or other transportation ) Look so cuteeeeeee, right? 💗 There are two color, you may for male or female ! 波の上うみそら公園 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市辻3-3-1 Behind of the shrine, you may take a 5 minutes walk to arrive beautiful beach 🏖️ Honestly, only 5 minute...