Okinawa 🇯🇵 波上宮 ➡️ 波の上うみそら公園 ➡️ 古宇利島 ➡️ 沖縄美ら海水族館 ➡️ 万座毛 ➡️ 琉球村
波上宮 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市若狭1-25-11 |
You may found all red in anywhere, but you only can found black here !
This location was close to our hotel, it spend around 15 to 20 minutes for walking here.
I also want to have a different background when took a photo.
This place was beside of the entrance stars only XDDDDDD
My family has a really good shoot, I am super thin ! 😳
This one was not as good as last one ...... 🙄️
Lots of tourists have selfie right on the shrine ..... so this kind of photo was try our best ...... (sigh)
Mikami were must to buy item, especial for these adorable mikami !!!!!!!!
Those are blessing for traffic ( when you have a drive or other transportation )
Look so cuteeeeeee, right? 💗 There are two color, you may for male or female !
波の上うみそら公園 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市辻3-3-1 |
Honestly, only 5 minutes and you can feel the ocean !!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing clean ocean and warm sunshine. 🌞
Model pose must be for one shoot, hahahahaha 😂
Crazy wind that day and next second my hair just cover all my face 😱
My favorite flower when I arrival Okinawa —— Hibiscus 🌺
KKday Bus ➡️ 沖繩北部——水族館植物園二選一:古宇利島、琉球村巴士一日遊 |
I arrange this activity only for aquarium, and also can view some different place.
There are four language you may choice for guidance.
However, I just do not want to use this one, hahaha.
Yellow and little sticker for recognize me as this bus member.
古宇利島 ➡️ 沖繩縣今歸仁村古宇利 |
White sand and super blue ocean were the reason you must come here!
I do love the photo to memory our trip.
沖縄美ら海水族館 ➡️ 沖繩縣國頭郡本部町字石川424番地 |
The second station was the Okinawa Aquarium.
The most huge aquarium in the world.
Soooooo amazing, right?
I cannot move my eyes from them.
You can be a top model everywhere~
You may also enjoy the dolphin show nearby.
After playing with dolphins, you may also have an ice cream to finished your adventure.
万座毛 ➡️ 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字恩納2451番地 |
Only view and wind with you here.
琉球村 ➡️ 沖繩縣國頭郡恩納村山田1130 |
Using my personal photos to finished the whole day trip XDDDDDDDDDD
To be honest, this article shows lots of photos than describe and I think it will be the better way to shows the beauty of this place.
But the best way is visit here in person, and you will know how amazing here.