Taoyuan 🇹🇼 WUHO CAFE 午逅咖啡,貓咪進駐咖啡廳
午逅咖啡 ➡️ No 352, Nankan Rd, Luchu Dist, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 南崁是個很奇妙的地方,想要認真的搜尋一家可以坐著享受閒暇時刻的咖啡廳,就一定要往人煙稀少的巷弄,或者是人煙鼎沸的街巷旁 而這間有著超級店長貓咪錢錢🐈的咖啡廳位於拉麵店的樓上,請從旁邊的樓梯走上去喔微😊 Have a cup of coffee and enjoy the relax afternoon is the most pleasure thing I may want to do each day off. Wuho Cafe locates at Nankan road and the second floor above the ramen restaurant. If you are the cat lover, you must to come here and play with manger chien-chien. 錢錢最喜歡窩在門口的位置,因為太活潑了所以會伺機找機會衝出門XDDDDD 開門的時候要小心啊,別讓牠一溜煙竄出去🏃 看得出來店長把錢錢養的非常好,不怕人的一歲三個月小貓崽❤️ 但是齁~錢錢的小肚肚時不時還是會露出來啊(好想摸啊啊啊啊) You can stroke Chien-chien in a gentle way. But this little boy might skip your touch, hahaha 😊 Open and close the door carefully, this boy might catch the chance to hang out outside without his father's permission. 黑板牆上都是店長親自畫的哦,有兩隻惹人憐愛的店貓(笑) 座位上還會擺貓咪圖案的抱枕,光是坐在椅子上都覺得幸福~ 靠近窗戶區的採光最好,拍起來特別的明亮。 Taking a selfie with your friend beside the window seat, so you do not have to use the filter. ...