Nara 🇯🇵 奈良駅 ➡️ 奈良市観光案內所 ➡️ Mentouan 麵鬪庵 ➡️ 奈良公園 ➡️ かすがたいしゃ 春日大社 ➡️ NARANICLE
奈良市観光協会 ➡️ 奈良市上三条町23-4 |
I cannot move my eyes from him and there are so many product offer here.
Guess what kind of item I bought this time!
To our surprise, it also can have a stamp 🦌
Do not worry that you do not have any paper or note could use.
Nara offer special paper only for stamp, how could Japan so considerate!
Beside of product window, you may take lots of photos with しかまろくん!
Actually I wanna to take his hand but ....... you know, I might be too tall to touch 🙄️
You are definitely focus on another background to taking photos!
Yap, find a instagram frame for a selfie then upload it.
Please take attention when you arrival Nara station, you may miss this stamp!
When we walking along the Nara street, we decided to have lunch before meeting deer. 🦌
Lots of article sharing this restaurant, and it famous Fukubukuro Udon.
Please wait with all your partner at the same time, and do not change table when you enter the restaurant.
I think it is the common sense of respect, however, it might has some people do not respect to anyone who waiting the line.
Menu as usual for you guys, and guess which one which are our choices.
麵鬪庵 ➡️ 奈良縣奈良市橋本町 30-1 |
When we walking along the Nara street, we decided to have lunch before meeting deer. 🦌
Lots of article sharing this restaurant, and it famous Fukubukuro Udon.
Please wait with all your partner at the same time, and do not change table when you enter the restaurant.
I think it is the common sense of respect, however, it might has some people do not respect to anyone who waiting the line.
Menu as usual for you guys, and guess which one which are our choices.
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キューピッド 邱比特 850円 |
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カレー巾著 咖哩豆腐包 1000円 |
那瞬間心情超級暢快derrrrrrr (到底積多少壓力?)
Waitress so nice that she took this photo by her request!
And here comes the deer collection 📷
We tried to touch the deer before we bought Senbei for deer.
The face was like this one as blow ......
It may said something like " Please touch me after giving me something to eat. "
When we are ready to bought Senbei, we quickly ran away from the deer and tried to find some one look more friendly.
At first, we have a good start like this one.
And somehow .... I have no idea why the situation going through like this?
Hey, babe just come here ❤️
An suddenly someone shows up and steal the food !!!!!!!?
I have to raise my hand up and shows them " I really out of food here. " 🏳️
I promised you that this kind of experience must be try once, and it have to be only once !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🏃💨💨💨🦌💨🦌 🦌🦌💨
After feeding the deer, we have a longgggggggg walk to 春日大社.
I cannot remember how long does we walking ........
But I only know that I really pass lots of deer along the street side XDDDDDDD
And the only reason why we have to visit this shrine is that white deer !!!!!
是不是超級可愛的這隻幸運白鹿 🦌
超級有質感的啦非常喜歡~❤️ 嘴巴還有叼著籤,有日文跟英文版可以選擇歐😳
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NARANICLE(ナラニクル) ➡️ 奈良市上三条町23-4 |
Taking a break at cafe shop and order something ice to eat.
I cannot choose which flavor of ice cream will be first choice .......... 🍦
But the main point I choose Matcha must be the cookie of deer on top.