Osaka 🇯🇵 WARGO ➡️ Osaka Castle 大阪城天守閣 ➡️ 抹茶冰淇淋 ➡️ HARBS

I have to said that the man who standby near Osaka castle was really good at taking pictures. 📷 And I will using this beautiful photo to beginning my day. 🌞 We were never talk about the dressing style would be these day when we traveling. And it was a totally surprise that we wear the SAME color style in the SAME day! The most crazy part was that we only brought one pink top in our baggage, so this might be have some possibility that we will not choose the same color that day. And guess what, it sure DAMN happened XDDDDDDD When I saw this woman in the bathroom, I just sound like "yuck" 🙄️ How can she and I have such great chemistry with each other? WARGO ➡️ 大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-6-27 大丸心斎橋南館中2階 We had booking a reservation before we take a plane. ✈️ Here is the website you could consider about : click ⬅️ Due to we paid the bill online, we save around JPY 600 per person. 👬 There are lots of different kind of set for choose, but we choose the cheapest o...