
目前顯示的是 2月, 2018的文章

Taoyuan 🇹🇼 Woosa パンケーキ 屋莎鬆餅屋 桃園三越站前店

The life must have something sweet for each day, and here we are. After a long  day work, we just want to find a place to release our pressure. The best way to made ourselves delightful is eating something palatable food. My bestie Chloe saw the advertising on facebook and recommend to have a plate of pancake in Taoyuan. To our surprise, the line was soooo long and we have to wait at least one and half hour. But we are really starving, we decided find something to eat before enjoy this one. The photos will not be show up here, lol. When you write your name on the waiting list, clerk will send the message to your phone. You may check the waiting number and calculate how many group waiting. When the table is ready, clerk will have a phone call to you and check if you still want to have a meal. Woosa was newly opened coffee shop but it did offer some hot meal. 黑糖伯爵奶茶 Brown surgar earl gray tea TWD$ 150 Due to I am a little full that I f...

1# Taiwan 🇹🇼 ChiaTe pineapple Pastry 佳德鳳梨酥

The first page will be start by my favorite pastry 🍪 When people talk about Taiwan, the first comes out will be pineapple pastry. There are lots of brand in different city. I would like to share this one where located Taipei and really popular. You may google ChiaTie in this website ➡️ 佳德鳳梨酥 According to online shopping quickly develop, you may also buying all kind of item online, just pick item up everywhere and without go to store in person. There also some special flavor on the website. But the most delicious one will be original flavor pineapple pastry. Take a little bite, the pineapple will full of your mouth. 😊 Not to mention the rich taste and crispy pastry cover outside. That was the main part made this pineapple so famous and making a beeline for this one. This also the top choice of souvenir for those who travel to Taiwan. 🇹🇼 佳德鳳梨酥 🏠 台北市松山區南京東路五段88號       No 88, Sec. 5, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R....

Osaka 🇯🇵 MIYAMA しゃぶしゃぶ美山

The last meal when we stay in Osaka. After shopping in Q mall, finally comes the time to have a dinner 🍴 Due to the flight was a little late at night, we decided to eat all you can eat restaurant. Especially we want to have lots of vegetable and this one was perfect match our idea. 美山 ➡️ 大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-6-1 あべのキューズモール4F Why each restaurant in Japan looks really simple and clean? I cannot help but looking at each window 👀 All the tableware you may need when eating hot pot. 🍲 You may choose another soup for stock. 因為Chloe不能夠吃牛,所以牛就由我來佔領吧(笑) 很特別的是這裡的蔬菜也是自助吃到飽~很少有日本店能吃到滿滿的蔬菜! 拿著碟子裝了不少蔬菜等待湯滾就可以放下去游泳啦。 點套餐還有附贈沙拉,不過我不怎麼吃就是惹XDDDDDDD 嘖嘖,這個肉片的顏色鮮豔的很美~油花分布的也超級好看 肉類主食者看到大概會小鹿亂撞的程度吧,而且涮起來肉質很嫩很好吃 不會很柴或者是塞牙縫之類的,吃得很滿足(捧頰)

Osaka 🇯🇵 HARBS ハーブス 近鉄あべのハルカス店

Here comes the most important part of this little trip 🌟 I am really curious about the taste of Mille crepes, and we just came to here enjoy our first meal. HARBS ➡️  大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋 1-1-43 あべのハルカス近鉄本店 ウイング館 3F Outlook of dessert perfect catch girls eyes 👀 Viewing all kind of cake from the glass window made me feel excited. No wonder this shop always fully occupied, and lucky are we, we have a table soon. The vivid cake painting made me get into trouble of choosing. But I just want to try classic Mille crepes this time. Noted that this shop need to buy a drink when you want to eat here. So you will have a drink and a cake at the same time to start your afternoon tea🍵 The set belongs to me ❤️ 發覺水果千層蛋糕跟茶背放在一起效果神棒,當天沒什麼客人,所以怎麼拍怎麼好看。 Royal milk JPN 780円 因為我實在是不想喝咖啡那類的,所以我就點了一個奶茶來搭配我的蛋糕🍰 雖然我認真擔心這個奶太真實會讓我拉肚子(乳糖不耐症的哀傷) 可是我還是毅然決然點惹,還要點熱的,因為外面好冷我好想溫暖起來。 奶茶味道很香,奶味認真很重(最後我還是跑廁所了)但是好好喝很解膩~(苦笑) Mille crepes JPN 830円 接著就是我夢寐以求想要吃一次的水果千層蛋糕👏 ...