Okinawa 🇯🇵 宮古島の雪塩 国際通り店 ➡️ Arjyna アルジューナ Massage ➡️ 美ら海水族館 Umichurara ➡️ Calbee➕ ➡️ Splash Okinawa
宮古島の雪塩 国際通り店 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3丁目1-1 How can I miss the ice cream which is really special here 🍦? This shop was really close to the start of こくさいどおり and you can easy find it. I love the cone of ice cream ( eating it means finish the whole ice cream XD ) So I would never choose the cup instead it 😔 salt of ice cream JPN 380円 雪鹽冰淇淋吃起來帶點淡淡的鹹味,鹹跟甜平衡非常棒,讓人欲罷不能(是我可以接受的口味,並不會說吃起來很噁心還是很顛覆冰淇淋的形象XDDDD) There are also offer lots of different flavor of salt for spread on ice cream. 第一名比較能夠接受的大概是鹹的可可粉吧,其他的都有點可怕XDDDDDD 味道很簡單啊,就是可可粉➕鹽巴的口感歐,是不是很好想像(大笑) ARJYNA Relaxation Massage ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3-4-16 (ラマヤナ国際通り店2F) After we finished our lovely ice cream 🍦 I took them to my favorite activity —— Foot Massage 👣 If you have the coupon and you may have a discount for 10% ( cost over 6500円) 既然都來到沖繩了,想說一直嚷嚷要帶媽媽去按摩(最後都因為各種因素沒成行) 剛好吃完冰淇淋就悠哉的走到我已經相好的腳底按摩店,因為家人都是初學者所以不敢一次就嘗試古泰式按摩(折來折去的需要心理先建設一番)所以挑選了難度係數最低的腳底按摩開始(應該最低吧?我想不到還有什麼是剛入手的XDDDDD) ...