
目前顯示的是 3月, 2018的文章

Okinawa 🇯🇵 宮古島の雪塩 国際通り店 ➡️ Arjyna アルジューナ Massage ➡️ 美ら海水族館 Umichurara ➡️ Calbee➕ ➡️ Splash Okinawa

宮古島の雪塩 国際通り店 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3丁目1-1 How can I miss the ice cream which is really special here 🍦? This shop was really close to the start of こくさいどおり and you can easy find it. I love the cone of ice cream ( eating it means finish the whole ice cream XD ) So I would never choose the cup instead it 😔 salt of ice cream JPN 380円 雪鹽冰淇淋吃起來帶點淡淡的鹹味,鹹跟甜平衡非常棒,讓人欲罷不能(是我可以接受的口味,並不會說吃起來很噁心還是很顛覆冰淇淋的形象XDDDD) There are also offer lots of different flavor of salt for spread on ice cream. 第一名比較能夠接受的大概是鹹的可可粉吧,其他的都有點可怕XDDDDDD 味道很簡單啊,就是可可粉➕鹽巴的口感歐,是不是很好想像(大笑) ARJYNA Relaxation Massage ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市久茂地3-4-16 (ラマヤナ国際通り店2F) After we finished our lovely ice cream 🍦 I took them to my favorite activity —— Foot Massage 👣 If you have the coupon and you may have a discount for 10% ( cost over 6500円) 既然都來到沖繩了,想說一直嚷嚷要帶媽媽去按摩(最後都因為各種因素沒成行) 剛好吃完冰淇淋就悠哉的走到我已經相好的腳底按摩店,因為家人都是初學者所以不敢一次就嘗試古泰式按摩(折來折去的需要心理先建設一番)所以挑選了難度係數最低的腳底按摩開始(應該最低吧?我想不到還有什麼是剛入手的XDDDDD) ...

Okinawa 🇯🇵 Almont Hotel Naha-kenchomae 阿爾蒙特酒店

Almont Hotel ➡️  沖縄県那覇市久茂地1-3-5 Due to this time we want to experience the monorail in this trip. The hotel should be near station so it would be much convenience for us to another place. 😊 However, this period was really hot for traveler, we only book the room for one bed for two people ( Feeling a little bit sorry to my brother, hahaha ) Our room will be in 11F, each floor has lovely decoration to refresh our mood. You may tag the room card to open the door. A room has two room card ( blue one ) and also the breakfast coupon. For the female, there is the 12F lady's public bath ( you may need code to enter ) 一張大床恰恰好夠兩個人同時入睡(當然免不俗會稍微碰到彼此啦,這裡的床比較小) 不過兩張枕頭的高度堆疊起來恰恰好,每次入睡都覺得脖子很舒適😊 旁邊就是沙發和小茶几可供圓桌會議或吃點宵夜用,大小約是打開28吋行李箱後就剩下可以通過的大小,所以說確實是蠻狹小的說QQQQQQ Please be noted the information and hotel rule. 浴室的大小就是浴缸的長度XDDDDD 🛁 真的只夠一個人在裡頭忙東忙西,鏡子認真很大一面(玄關也有一面連身鏡,很適合出門前在門口檢視一下哪裡有疏漏,很貼心害我自己也很想要😔) 洗髮乳跟沐浴乳都還不錯,洗完頭都不會油膩油膩的(我是油性髮質很容易出油Q...

Okinawa 🇯🇵 DANBO 暖暮拉麵 牧志店

暖暮 ➡️ 沖縄県那覇市牧志2-16-10 Waiting for almost two months, the little trip finally comes! I am really excited about this family trip for a long time ( of course for shopping XDDDD ) After we drop our baggage at hotel, the REAL lunch time would be start at DANBO! The best time to waiting a line should be open time 1100 A.M. and we arrival there around 1130 A.M. ..... there are probably six or seven group in front of us. The totally time when we actually go inside would be one hour after we arrival !!!!! Thanks for the chair for sitting !!!!!!!!! ( Crying ) When we waiting outside, we already make a decision of what should be order. So I have to order all the meal for my family .... only because I carry all the cash? Similar machine as Ichiran, you just need to buy a coupon and the waiter will service you meal. 溫泉玉子飯 JPN 300円 溫泉蛋戳開的那瞬間流淌出來的黃金蛋液!!! 這個就是這碗飯最大的追求(要吃全熟蛋的人大概無法理解吧,笑) 博多一口餃子 JPN 350円 來到日本吃拉麵怎麼可以不配餃子? 怕大家都被拉麵給塞飽肚皮,所以合點了一份大家一起享用,皮脆內多汁,真的一口塞。 ラー...