
目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章

Taoyuan 🇹🇼 Brunch live in good 過日子咖啡

For the man is man and master of his fate - 主宰你的命運。 Starting from a sunny day. Enjoying the brunch with Polly before our night shift work. I do really enjoy the food here due to Taoyuan was notorious for the desert of delicacy. 難得桃園區豔陽高照,所幸和友人相約在上班前空隙來吃一頓早午餐好應付接下來的晚班,過日子咖啡算是我們找很久才翻到的一間餐廳,而事實證明等待是有成果的,餐點並未讓我們失望😊 FACEBOOK PAGE ➡️  Click 過日子咖啡 ➡️  No 27 ,Sec. 2, Daye Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City One of the reason why I love my job is I can have a peaceful meal in the restaurant. I do not have to book the reservation cause seldom customers wait a line. 或許是平日中午的緣故,前來享餐的顧客都顯得很愜意,整體環境非常適合和友人暢聊一番,聊到都有點忘記時間XDDDDDD 假日的話就比較建議事先訂位哦。 The menu ( NOV 2017 ) for you guys reference. Being a veritable blogger should offer her friends main information they need. Menu is the most important part, isn't it? 😳 最稱職的部落客就是要提供菜單這件事情,是我從開始分享食記後堅持要做的,會來爬文的都是想要知道餐廳有什麼餐點,而菜單又是其中最重要的一環,當然實體的食物本身也算啦,但我就是喜歡提前想好要吃什麼,也算是一種小確幸。 義式佛羅倫斯雞腿 Gri...

Tainan 🇹🇼 Cheongsam in CHIPO 旗袍和黑色繡花鞋

The first steps is as good as half over - 第一步永遠是關鍵。 In these days, I was try to figure out what I want to express in my article. Apparently, something meaningful, somewhere simple to present and someone read it coincidentally. Then this blogger just show up. 😊 自從舊網誌改版之後,一直找不到更好的平台來撰寫我的文章,但各式各樣繁瑣的功能和頁面讓我無所適從,果然還是簡單明瞭的更適合我吧。 Tainan locates in south Taiwan and famous for sweet traditional food. However, we want to experience something different this time - cheongsam. 台南一直都是我很想要去探訪的一個地方,聽聞在地友人不停推銷各種美食,讓我這個吃貨之魂蠢蠢欲動(我現在待的城市就是個荒涼的美食沙漠啊)趁著這次的機會當然要常是一個不一樣的風格,和閨蜜們商討了一下就促成此次的旗袍體驗之旅。 FACEBOOK PAGE ➡️  https://www.facebook.com/CHIPAO.RENT/ Follow the steps as blow to have your reservation now: 1⃣️  Click the Hyperlinks then fill the form. 2⃣️  Please make sure the exactly date, time, how many people attend.      And offer the height and weight for reference. 3⃣️  Send message to FACEBOOK page "Payment made" and bank account as well. ...